Septic Maintenance

Explaining How the Septic System in Your Atlanta Home Works

Keep your septic tank and drain field lines free-flowing and odor-free with New BioMAX - the Best Septic Tank Maintenance Product on the Market!


Using all natural, 100% safe and non-toxic live bacteria, BioMAX septic treatment products work on contact to degrade solids in a septic tank and build-up in drain field lines. The unique blend includes bacteria specially formulated to break up grease. BioMAX septic tank maintenance products are formulated to solve waste problems completely naturally with no harmful side effects.


Call us at  770-483-7802 NOW and SAVE 20% off MSRP plus FREE SHIPPING!

Bowen's Septic & Environmental has over 30 years of experience serving Atlanta, but many people need to learn how their systems work. For properties that don't have access to municipal sewage disposal, the alternative is an underground unit where bacteria take care of the bulk of the waste. The leftovers are separated into three layers:

  • Solids, which settle to the bottom into a layer known as sludge
  • Grease and oil, which float to the top as scum
  • Liquids, which discharge from the tank, filter through the soil and rejoin the water table

Maintenance to Keep Your System Working Properly

While your waste disposal network is out of sight beneath your backyard, proper maintenance is some of the most essential septic information you should know. As a property owner, you can vigilantly monitor the materials that enter your tank. Since the setup relies on bacteria to break things down, you must limit the amount of antibacterial or antiseptic substances that exit your home. Failure to do so could create an inhospitable environment for these integral microscopic creatures. A professional should also come periodically to pump out the sludge layer and add bacteria back into the system.

We Proudly Serve The Atlanta Metro Area

Whether you live in Gwinnett County, Rockdale County, Walton County, Newton County, DeKalb County, or any other area of Atlanta, contact Bowen's Septic for installation, repair, and maintenance for all your septic needs. If you notice poor flushing, unpleasant odors, overflow from your septic tank, or pools of water in the yard, you could be experiencing a failing system. To learn more septic tank facts or schedule an appointment for one of our septic services, call us today at 770-483-7802.

Serving Metro Atlanta and Surrounding Areas!

Get the professionals to resolve your septic problem. Call 770-483-7802 now!

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